Thursday, February 22, 2018

P6 percentage increase/decrease, money (fr CCL)

Ali's monthly allowance is $100.
His mother increases or decreases his monthly allowance base on what Ali was given the previous month.
She increased his allowance by $10 in January.
She then decreased his allowance by $10 in February.
(a) How much is Ali's allowance in January?
(b) How much is Ali's allowance in February?

Ali's monthly allowance is $100.
His mother increases or decreases his monthly allowance base on what Ali was given the previous month.
She increased his allowance by 10% in January.
She then decreased his allowance by 10% in February.
(a) How much is Ali's allowance in January?
(b) How much is Ali's allowance in February?

Sunday, February 4, 2018

“How to Solve It” — This is the book by the renown Mathematician: George Polya.

"How to Solve It" — This is the book by the renown Mathematician: George Polya.

See if you can still get it from Amazon.

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